There are over 15 million taxpayers in collections and another 7 million taxpayers out-of-compliance. There are not enough finance professionals to serve all of them. There’s more than enough work for everybody.
Finance professionals can generate more business and create happy clients by offering representation and strategy work.
But they shy away from this deeply important and meaningful work. Why? We make up that we don’t know how. We get imposter syndrome. We tell ourselves we don’t know how to sell—so we settle for the feast-or-famine rhythm of high-volume work around tax season.
We need more financial professionals like you to do this high-profile, representation and strategy work. It is fulfilling and profitable for all involved. You support people to de-stress and create a harmonious financial future.
You can learn how to do the work in excellence, step-by-step, in a way where you cut through the noise and circumstance of the client, know the tactics, and get to the solution.
I’ve supported hundreds of professionals to perform their work in excellence by collaborating on cases and providing training. Now I am offering a unique opportunity to join a professional community of finance pros:
$1,000 One-Pay for year!
$5,500 One-Pay for year!
$10,000 One-Pay for year!
How to diversify your business with high-profile work so you’re not chasing volume
Understand exactly how to add representation and strategy to your practice
The keys & tools to confidence when it comes to talking to the IRS or state
How to build your representation and planning solutions with the end in mind
Representation — receive an efficient & effective roadmap so you can close clients and deliver
Strategy-work — deep dive into process and techniques
How to easily transition your representation work to a tax strategy engagement
How to connect to new prospects and create follow-on sales
Find if you have what it takes to do (and love) this kind of work
Angie Toney (CPA/PFS, CTS) – Angie has been on all sides of the finance professional field: a tax strategist, accountant, corporate auditor, etc. Her network extends into former IRS professionals/tax auditors.
With these experiences, she knows first-hand how to move through representation and strategy work from a unique investigatory perspective, while still maintaining heart-felt trust and care for clients. This puts Angie in a position to understand the opportunities and pitfalls when it comes to talking to the IRS and strategizing what a client’s best move is…
Name of course: Representation & Strategy for Tax Professionals!
Field of Study: Taxes
Type of Course: Self-Study Online
IRS Course Program Number: EOESH-T-00001-22-O
Total IRS CE Credits: 10
NASBA Number: 149140
Total NASBA Credits: 10
Representation and Strategy Workshop for Tax Professionals is presented. Expand your services and deliver high-profile work, with efficiency, care, and effectiveness, along with executive-level quality deliverables.
In order to participate in this intermediate program students must show proof that they are active CPAs, JDs and EAs who have at least one-year related experience in tax preparation. No other advanced preparation is necessary. CPE Standards References: Standard Nos. 2 and 3
Yes! The recommended Credit 10 CEs for enrolled agents and 10 CPEs for CPAs.
CPE Standards Reference: Standard No. 2
Instructional Delivery Method – self-study
In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits can be granted based on a 50-minute hour. Note: to receive CPE/CE credits, you must take the whole course and take the 5-question evaluation at the end to receive your certificate.
Total IRS CE Credits: 10
Total NASBA CPE Credits: 10
ANGIE TONEY – Instructor and Course Developer
BIO: Angie Toney, CPA, has been presenting on tax topics since 2014. She mentors other tax professionals in expanding their knowledge of various tax topics. Prior tax workshops have included the following:
Angie had this learning platform built where practitioners may subscribe to learn how to expand their practice with representation and planning services. She has recently become an authorized CE provider for the IRS and will soon become registered with NASBA to offer CPEs for CPAs.
Angel Financial is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site:
Refund Policy, Complaint Resolution, & Cancellation Policy
Tax Disclaimer
The information contained herein is general in nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. These presentations do not, and are not intended to, provide legal, tax or accounting advice specific to anyone, and participants should consult their tax advisors concerning the application of tax laws to their particular situations.
Circular 230 Disclosure
This analysis is not tax advice and is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer.
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If you select a pay-in-full option for any of the tiers above, you have a 60 day refund policy, no questions asked. Note: if you receive a refund, we cannot issue a certificate for credits.
On the month-to-month plans, you can cancel any time, although there are no refunds available.
Rest-assured, we trust you’ll have a fun, informative, and positive experience in The Executive Touch.
For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints, please contact us at 571-972-5777. CPE Standards Reference: Standard No. 12